ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: ABC Learn with Me: Letter Identification

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ABC Learn with Me: Letter Identification

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It is important to practice learning all the letters of the ABC! As you do your child will become familiar with each individual letter.

Is your toddler interested in using the computer, but lacking the skills needed to find specific keys? Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot's uses this simple introduction to the letters computer activity from Fisher Price to help her toddler. It says each letter in order and with a push of a button the letter morphs into the next one. There is also a zoo animals game which says the letter and the corresponding zoo animal, but her daughter prefers the no frills version.

Alphabet Bang offers a similar format. The game takes your child through the alphabet. An animated child says each letter and identifies a corresponding object.

AlphaSong provides a song & activity for each letter of the alphabet.

Homeschooling & Home has an article explaining the "why?" behind using sandpaper alphabet letters and provides a link to templates you can use to make your own.

Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot has used sandpaper letters. They are great for students who learn best from a multisensory delivery. Students also enjoy making crayon rubbings. Place a sandpaper letter under the paper and scribble on top of the paper until the letter appears. One fun "game" is called mystery letter. Don't tell your child which letter is under the paper. Let them guess and "discover" for themselves.

Blissful Moments suggests an ABC activity using a recycled cereal box.
Print two sets of alphabet flashcards. Try these or these and play Alphabet Go Fish, Alphabet Old Maid (add one blank card for the old maid), or Alphabet War (just decide which one wins closer to the beginning or end of the alphabet). Here are some cards without pictures and some game descriptions.

Thanks to Michelle for submitting this fantastic letter identification lesson.
Her Cup Overfloweth pictures a Scrabble Tile Sorting idea as one way to practice letter identification.

Having Fun at Home, shares a wall pocket matching activity and ABC Tuna Cans.
Mama Bear's Cubhouse shares this great magnetic alphabet activity. It may take a little work to put together, but she shares ideas on how to make this a multi-level activity. You can start by working on matching letters and move to ABC order and spelling. Best of all, it's in a metal tin so you can use it for studying on the go.

Montessori Mom has some Alphabet Bingo cards you can download in pdf form for free to play with your child.

Flipflops and Applesauce shows us how to make and play an Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabet Matching Game and provides letter templates to use.
Today's Giveaway:
We have a learning set suitable for reinforcing alphabet skills. The workbook has colorful pages and the flashcards can be used for learning beginning and ending sounds.

You will receive one entry per comment. Please submit separate comments for each entry option you choose.

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Good Luck! We’ll announce a winner tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful giveaway! Letter recognition is something we are working on right now too.

  2. I played a game with my daughters outside and wrote the alphabet on the sidewalk with chalk. Then I asked them to hop on a specific letter. They had fun while learning!

  3. This giveaway is perfect timing - we are working on this right now as well. keep up the great work, i love this site - you guys have given me so many ideas that I have started using.

  4. We're working on this too. Abi has all her upper case down but is still working on lower case. She would love these!

  5. Okay, I added the button to my blog too.

  6. Good Morning Katies! I am going to make some sand paper letters for my girls. Do you back them to anything so they don't curl up or rip?

  7. How fun! I working with juju on this now. So far we only know the letter 'J' (and his name doesn't even start with a J.

  8. We have those magnetic letters you stick on the fridge. We'll mix all the letters up and have juju pick out J. I think we worked on knowing the letter J for about 2 weeks. Now he can even tell if its missing.

  9. This is something we are doing right now!

  10. Great idea. Even at 3yrs old I am amazed at how interested my daughter is in learning letters and numbers.

  11. I proudly display your button on my blog too! It is the first one I check each day for more fun ideas. Great work Katie's - I don't know how you find the time.

  12. I love all these ideas!! Brilliant! I love when they use items around the house we already have (muffin tins, baby food jar lids, etc.).
    I will bookmark them all for future use :)

  13. These ideas are great! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I posted your button!

  15. More great ideas! We don't play any computer games, but I plan to check out the one you suggested.

  16. I love what you guys are doing keep it up

  17. Those are some great ideas! I'm gonna bookmark this post to come back to as well as checking out some of the links!!!

  18. Heading over to put your button on my blog. :)

  19. These are great activities. I really like the sandpaper idea.

  20. We would use these daily around here; thanks for another great give away!

  21. What great idea's for letter recognition. Thanks for the time you put in!

  22. I am a follower of your blog and love it!

  23. I already commented, so this comment shouldn't count, but I just wanted to share that Alaphabet Bang is perfect of a two year old. I appreciated that they had lower and uppercase games. The voices of the children are not as clear as I would prefer, but it's a good game!

  24. Annette, I think the voices aren't as clear as they could be because of their slight accent. I personally don't love the animations but my daughter really likes this particular one. I only hightlighted the games that passed the toddler test!

    Glad you tried it AND came back to tell me you did.


  25. This is a great post I got so many great ideas. Thanks
