ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Words, Words, Words: Writing Centers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Words, Words, Words: Writing Centers

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Young children should be given opportunities to play with symbols, letters, and words to encourage an interest in writing.

Work on developing writing skills in children as early as possible to... your child express him/herself.
...develop necessary skills to become a writer.
...learn to hold a crayon or pencil correctly.
...recognize the movement of writing from left to right across the paper.
...begin to recognize complete sentences. with word usage.
...develop creative thinking.
..encourage imagination.

Although formal writing instruction is not necessary for very young students, setting up a writing center in your home or classroom gives kids an opportunity to play & practice with the tools of the trade.
Choose materials for your writing center based on the age of your child.
Here are some suggestions for getting started:

To Write On:
~Post-It notes
~Construction Paper
~Tracing Paper
~Lined Paper
~Printer Paper
~Paper Cut in Shapes
~Letter Head
~Dry Erase Board

To Write With:
~Colored Pencils
~Erasable Ink
~Alphabet Stamps
~Q-Tips: dipped in anything
~Fancy Tip Markers
~Calligraphy Pens
~Letter Stickers
~Editing Tools: Glue, Scissors, White Out, Tape

To Encourage Writing:
~Story Starters
~Letter Blocks (Boggle cubes)
~Scrabble Pieces
~Props, Toys, Artifacts
~Graphic Organizers/Brainstorming Webs
~A Mirror

To Write About:
~etc. etc. etc.

To Write:

To Make the Writing Center Special:
~A Desk
~A Lamp
~ A Bulletin Board for finished work

Include your child in the excitement of setting up the writing center!

Denise at Explorations shares her wonderful Easter writing center with us. You can easily change some of the thematic supplies to make this work for any time of the year.

Many home school families enjoy learning with work boxes. Hadley shared a great batch of work boxes with us. She has a few boxes specifically set up to practice writing skills. Using the information in her post, and some of the ideas posted today, you may be interested in putting together some writing work boxes of your own.

Do you have a writing center/station in your home or classroom? What else could be included?


  1. I just LOVE Denise's writing station!

    I am going to try to put together something for my daughter so that she can write her own letters and address her own envelopes. This will come in very handy :)

  2. This is the kick in the pants I desperately need right now! :) We just made a cross country move and my hubby will be deploying very soon. I'm going bonkers trying to make things fresh and exciting for my Mr. Smarty 3 1/2 year old. I'm not a homeschooler but am a fan of what info you are sharing. I do have a teaching background, which you think would give me an edge. Ha! Must be my multifaceted to do's bogging me down. Thanks for the great blog. I look forward to getting more inspiration from you. :)


  3. Is there no end to your awesomeness? I love this post (you know how I heart literacy)!

    I will be linking to it this Sunday!
