ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: A New Session at ABC & 123 is Starting

Monday, September 7, 2009

A New Session at ABC & 123 is Starting

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In the United States today is Labor Day, a federal holiday always celebrated the first Monday of September. It is a day of appreciation for our nations working people, and if often celebrated as a day of rest and with parades featuring members of labor unions.

It is also a day associated with many as the symbolic end of summer and the start of a new school year for students. Since it's a three day weekend, many families use it as an opportunity to fit in one more getaway.

Since we've been working hard all summer maintaining our personal blogs and ABC & 123, we've decided to give ourselves a much needed week off. We're going to take the next several days to get our kids ready for school and plan for the fall season on ABC. We're excited to share new ideas with you as well.

Our new session at ABC & 123: a Learning Cooperative will begin next Monday September 14th. Can't wait to see you back here on the first day!

Got Music? Guest Posting on ABC & 123!

While we're gone on break, we'd like you get thinking about an exciting new opportunity, we'd like to extend to our community. Way back in May we had our first Toddler Tunes post, but with the start of the Summer Prize Picnic, it didn't fit in our posting schedule for several months. We're now ready to start adding this feature back into our blog.

We know there are countless great children's bands out there, so many that we can't possibly know about them all or get to hear them all. We'd love for YOU to help us and tell everyone about the great tunes your child likes to beebop to. Who's got your family rockin' out in the car? What melody runs through your mind all the time? We want to know!

Come be a featured member at ABC & 123 and do a guest post on your family's favorite children's music! All you need to do is leave us a comment on this post with the band you'd like to share with us or email us that you're interested. We'll schedule you in the order that receive requests.

Then you can one of two things: {Please be sure to include a brief introduction of yourself at the beginning of your post.}

Option 1: Post your review on your own blog. Email us the link. We'll come by and copy and paste it into one of our posts.


Option 2: Email us your review and any picture attachments you'd like us to include. We'll add them to a post on ABC & 123.

Please note that reviews may be edited for length and clarity if necessary but we anticipate including most of your review verbatim. Your name and blog's name will be linked to in the post on ABC & 123. We'll even have a special featured button just for special guest contributors! We will contact you after we get back from our short posting break!


  1. this is a crazy, unexpected band- but They Might Be Giants have some really cool educational music for kids.

  2. I would be happy to write a review about the Toe Jam Puppet Band. They are a local band for children but their music is available to purchase on CD from their website or by MP3 from Amazon.

  3. I could do a post about Mr Stinky Feet we have meet him and been to a private children's concert of his! his cd's are great! just let me know

  4. I would love to do a review on VeggieTales: Silly Songs With Larry. My kids love them and they have been a great addintion to our music collection. Just let me know.
