The Adventures of Bear makes sand painting with a shovel look like a summer must do!
Sand play dough, using the tips and recipes shared at The Adventures of Bear, is the perfect medium for building an indoor sand castle.
Create a sensory bin using treasures collected at the beach - don't forget the sand.
Live Learn Love suggests a way to put together a portable sand box.
Moldable Moon Sand. Quirky Momma warns that this is messy, but load of child sized fun while it lasted. You can build it but it also crumbles.

Mudpies & Magpies has a post featuring 10 Super Sandpit Ideas you won't want to miss.

In case you missed it, linked to Show and Tell #16 there is an adorable suggestion for building sandcastles out of sandpaper. Check it out!
Here's an "I Spy" bottle made with sand...
wonderful ideas! thanks