ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: A Few Favorite Book Lists

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Few Favorite Book Lists

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Katie, from A List Maker's Life had the opportunity to share 5 of the books the children enjoy in her house as part of Silly Eagle Books' 5 Books series. When you check it out you can browse all kinds of fun 5 Book posts from bloggers.

Jamie, from the Hands On House, shares a list of what they are reading as part of a blog carnival where you are likely to be introduced to all kinds of great new titles.

LitLad dedicates all of their posts to reviewing books enjoyed by two literacy learning boys.

Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns hosts a blog carnival called What My Child is Reading. The links are another fantastic resource for finding children's books.

Storytime Under the Stars is a site dedicated to reviews of children's books. This site is the home of the Book Lover's Blog Hop.

What are your favorite books? Have you written a post highlighting your list? We'd love to hear your recommendations.


  1. After promising never to lie, Libby started telling the whole truth and the world seems mad at her! This fabulous read aloud teaches accountability and compassion!

    The Honest To Goodness Truth Read Aloud and Lessons

    The Honest To Goodness Truth Read Aloud and Response


  2. See the power of positive thinking within you. God bless you.

  3. Many of my posts are book related. I just recently hosted the March I Can Read Book Carnival. Several great suggestions for beginning readers listed:

  4. I loved having Katie and all the other bloggers share their 5 books post--it was such a fun way to get more book recommendations.

    I recently shared some of our favorite beach reads--at the top of the list was a beautiful book called Out of the Ocean by Debra Frasier.

  5. Thanks for the mention - that Flip Flap Farm book is a great one for any little boy interested in farming! But Goldbug rules in this house :)
