ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Learning to Measure

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Learning to Measure

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Sparkling Adventures submitted a post encouraging us to use home improvement projects and tools to encourage our children to measure using various equipment.

Mama Jenn gives step by step instructions for creating a construction paper rainbow to practice measuring in inches.

Deana, from The Frugal Homeschooling Mom, published a handy list of books for teaching measurement to young children. Here is a sample of the list, but you will want to check it out in whole:

How Tall, How Short, How Far Away? by Adler
Hershey’s Weights and Measures Book by Pallotta
How Long is It? by Loughran
Inchworm and a Half by Pinczes
Measuring Penny by Leedy
Superheroes and Princesses measured a cup of pasta and then used the pasta to measure feet.
Nuture Store shared suggestions for measuring sunflowers and making a height chart.


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