ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Valentine Themed Science Experiments

Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine Themed Science Experiments

Naturally Educational explains a simple experiment watching candy hearts dissolve in hot and cold water.
Bath Activities for Kids posted some love{ly} Valentine inspired bath experiments.
The Beauty Brains list 5 simple Valentines Day Science Experiments for kids.
Create a Valentine perfect for testing acids and bases with this activity from Steve Spangler.
Mental Floss compiled 12 clever science themed Valentines appropriate for older children or adults.
Chemistry for Life links to many fun Valentine themed demonstrations, experiments, and activities. The borax crystal hearts look especially fun to try with my children.
Ms. Belcoure's Chemistry Class worked through a Chemistry Lab to make Valentine Bath Fizzies.
The Sub Hub has a free download including a couple heart day experiments.


  1. We love Science! Thanks for the month of Feb activities!

  2. The hearts dissolving in water looks fun. Wonderful ideas!

  3. Thanks for sharing our activity! Lots of fun ideas here!
