ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Independence Day Crafts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Independence Day Crafts

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Yellow Mums put together some patriotic cupcake toppers for 4th of July fun.

Junk in Their Trunk compiled a great list of July 4th craft ideas and a USA printable in different color schemes.

Life of a Modern Mom used a tin can to make a patriotic windsock.

Silly Eagle Books suggests recycling bottle caps to make miniature red, white, and blue cap cakes.

Casa Camacho added red, white, and blue glitter to the playdough for some patriotic shapes.

Roots and Wings used Shrinky Dinks to make All American licence plates to decorate children's bicycles.

The Amazing Mess froze up a layered red, white, and blue popsicle for a holiday cool off.

This plastic baggie flag decoration idea is also thanks to The Amazing Mess.

Handprint and Footprint Art turned little fingers into colorful flags.

Polwig painted up some patriotic plates.

Me and Marie reminds us that painting with star shaped cookie cutters is simple and fun.

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