ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Bilingual Wednesdays- flashcards

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bilingual Wednesdays- flashcards

Vocabulary flash cards are the traditional method for learning vocabulary. Either in English or Spanish they are a wonderful, easy-to-do resource to learn new words.

They are cheap and easy to do.You need paper, pictures and glue. You can laminate them for durability.

If they are fun, colorful, and creative, they will help to remember vocabulary words. You can use them for a small or  a big group. 

Flashcards are a tried and tested teaching and learning device inside and outside the classroom, for kids and adults alike.

The key to using flash cards is to look at the word or definition, then you can cover the word, and test your kids  if they can remember.

These are a set of flaschards I made to review Thanksgiving words such as

  • cena
  • calabaza
  • Peregrinos
  • Aborígenes
  • Maíz
  • Cornucopia
  • Tarta


  1. Flash cards are so useful and versatile. I love those printouts! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. It looks like I have to create an account in your store to be able to print your flash cards. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas for learning. We are excited to try these.
