ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

{from Katie at A List Maker's Life}

{from Katie at Katie's Nesting Spot}

{from Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom}

{from Ana at Ingles360}

Have a wonderful week of celebrating!  We will look forward to hearing all about your holiday activities when we return from our own winter break on Jaunary 3, 2012!


  1. Those are cute! Merry Christmas to all of you!

  2. I just stumbled upon your site and I really like it! I tried leaving a comment already but I am not sure if it worked so please ignore this comment if you got the other one. Just wanted to let you know I linked up at your Linky Party and I am now Following you. Please take a minute to Follow back at:

  3. Awww, those are so sweet Christmas wishes scraps and images. I love them especially the personalized one featuring your family. Happy holidays to you and your family! Cheers!
