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It's Fun Friday, Field Trip style!
Taking the classroom out and on the road is always fun and can be very educational. We think they are a very handy teaching tool indeed! Since this is also our first field trip post we thought we'd also share some of our reader's pointers on how to have a smooth field trip.
Getting Ready!
Heather at Eager Little Mind made this Disney Countdown Craft to help countdown the days to a family trip to the Magic Kingdom but the theme could easily be changed to match an upcoming field trip. Each day as you remove a stick you could practice backwards counting.
Keeping the Busy on the Way:
Amy at Teach Mama shares with us how she keeps her kids occupied during the car ride to the field trip.

Another one of her activities for the kids is this great Road ABC Hunt.

Mariel at Or So She Said has submitted a fun post listing 20 Travel Game Activities for Kids. Some classic ideas & some very creative new ideas as well.
Jen and Curious and Creative Kids shares some ways her kids are kept occupied on long car rides and describes two different license plate games, three versions of an alphabet car game, and reminds us of the classic Mad Libs!
Keeping Track of Everyone:

If you're taking a whole group with you and not just your kids, Michaele from Kindergarten's 3 R's shares her name tag bages, they are a must for field trips, and aren't you jealous of her laminator!
Another great way to keep track of all the kids in the same group on a field trip is make matching shirts beforehand. Often print shops will work with children's groups for a lower price. When Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot taught kindergarten a local store made shirts for her entire grade level and the shirts were only five dollars a piece. Students wore them on every field trip and on school spirit day on Fridays.
We're Here, Now What?
If you live in Florida, Karin at Passport Academy Homeschool has many good ideas and has even more ideas, projects, and field trip ideas on her Young Florida Naturalists Blog. Her ideas make Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot want to move to FL immediately!
This is a great time to get out and see the animals at the zoo after being stuck inside all winter. The weather has warmed up, but it's not too hot so many of the animals are moving around a lot. Here are some tips for making the most of your zoo field trip.
Leader Lobby provides an extenive list of field trip destination suggestions and also some nice links to help find field trips in your area.
Scholastic shares it Early Childhood Top Five Fabulous Field Trip Winners. shares ways to plan a fun field trip online and provides many useful links.
I love the idea of field trip friday! I need to get my kids out and do a few things. We don't have much around here so it would be a drive...but i think the kids would be thrilled.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great ideas :)
Great ideas and links!
ReplyDeleteI love the ABC road hunt.
I am always on the lookout for new ways of keeping everyone busy on our trips between MD and PA. Thanks for the awesome new ideas!!