ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Nursery Rhymes

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nursery Rhymes

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There are many valid reasons for playing with rhymes with young children. Nursery rhymes are useful for building vocabulary. They are appropriate for developing listening, language, attention, concentration, and memory skills. The simple rhythms and gestures that often accompany nursery rhymes help children learn to communicate, explore language, and enjoy words. As parents we can enjoy the bonding time and imaginative exploration that playing with rhymes allows.

Here are a few nursery rhyme activities from our readers.

Rock a Bye Baby

April Flowers and her tot put together a special craft to act out this classic nursery rhyme. She also shares egg shaking motions to accompany the poem.

Make a visual representation of this rhyme using a tree painting and babies cut from magazines.

Humpty Dumpty
Live, Learn, Love made a Humpty Dumpty shape craft out of construction paper that you will want to click over to see!

Hickory Dickory Dock

Adventures in Mommydom constructed a grandfather clock from construction paper and a foam mouse for acting out the familiar nursery rhyme.

Five Little Ducks

Nurture Store submitted a child lead learning activity with math, songs, and creativity for the rhyme Five Little Ducks.

London Bridge

Play Activites put together a pretend and play activity to use with the rhyme London Bridge.

Little Red Hen

The Home Teacher put together three cute, interactive activities for involving her tot in this rhyme.

Various Rhymes

Preschool is Fun has put together a clever lesson plan incorporating many different nursery rhymes and subject areas for you to look over and print if you are interested.

Activity Mom shared a neat site she stumbled across for teaching with a nursery rhyme a week.

How about teaching simple science concepts with nursery rhymes?
Jack Be Nimble has a good tie in to physics and chemistry as you discuss concepts of fire. Humpty Dumpty has a physics lesson of its own built in. Perhaps you could kick off a biology study with Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater or Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. Be creative!


  1. Great reminder on how important nursery rhymes are! Great links and thanks for putting mine in there (happy surprise).

  2. I love this bolg i am a sham of unpreschool kids and i love seeing all of the ideas. I helps me stay on track

  3. Hey! I am new to your blog and simply love it!! Thanks for all the great ideas!!

    Hope you will come and check out

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  4. I add my Nursery Rhyme activity pics from my homeschooling adventure please check out my blog, A Mama's Two Cents Worth... ( Thank you for all the hard work you put in to making others lives, especially mine as a newbie to homeschooling, soooo much easier. I love you blog by the way, check in daily if not more often.
    nscrofan at rogers dot com

  5. that's great work nice and very inspiring for kids
