ABC and 123: A Learning Collaborative: Thematic Teaching: Transportation

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thematic Teaching: Transportation

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Start your we are zooming into some transportation themed excitment!

Filth Wizardy put together some lego and cardboard trucks for imaginative play. They are sharing the printable you will need to make your own on their site.

Flipflops and Applesauce has a fun idea for a Street Sign Scavenger hunt that your kids can play while you're driving or you could take it along on walks in the neighborhood.

Kinderplans shares a great list of transportation themed books, as well as personal reviews of each book listed.

Mrs. Kilburn's Kiddos has put together a thematic unit on transportation and shares the books, rhymes, songs, activities, and printables she uses for the lessons.

Sticking with the transportation theme, have your students put together Word Family Trains using this printable from Hubbards Cupboards.

Kinders Printables has some great Cars movie themed desk tags and numbered cards for counting practice.

The Preschool Professor explains how to set up transportation themed centers for each subject area. You will also find that this is a great resource for transportation themed craft projects.

Monkey See, Monkey Do had all kinds of fun with their transportation themed activities. They sorted cars to practice colors, as seen in the picture. They also painted with caboose wheels and made puffy paint and chalk drawing train pictures.

I Can Teach My Child put together a great transportation themed birthday card.


  1. I just wanted to clarify that Oopsey Daisy actually created that Birthday Card, I just featured it on my "Show and Share" Saturday.

    It is not my original idea and should be credited to

    I do, however, have lots of transportation ideas here:

  2. Thanks for the credit, Jenae! :) I also made transportation number flashcards that are printable:
