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Welcome to the picnic!
We are looking forward to celebrating summer with you!
Today we will kick off Picnic Table Talk with an ice breaker! We would love to get to know all of the picnic participants. Mister Linky will help us out. Please take a few moments to write an introductory post on your own blog. Leave your link here and we will all be able to learn a little more about eachother.
We will each be writing our own Picnic Table Talk post on our personal blogs and linking to the picnic as well. To give you an example here are 2 sample party introductions.
Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot
Katie from A List Maker's Life
You may also want to consider some, or all, of the following items when putting together your picnic post!
~The Prize Picnic button/logo
~A picture of your family enjoying a picnic
~All about you & your family
~How long have you been reading ABC & 123?
~How did you come up with your blog title
~What types of activities do you most enjoy doing with your children?
~What is your favorite picnic activity and food?
~What are your summer plans?
~Links to some of your favorite learning activity posts
Once you have written your post and linked up here take some time to visit the other picnic participants and share some sidedish (aka comment love)! Have Fun!!!
If you're looking for ideas on what to eat at your next picnic, Valerie at Frugal Family Fun has put together a list of her family's favorite cheap picnic foods. Starting Monday we'll be sharing some some picnic dishes, along with a treat everyone loves...a weekly winner!
We've noticed that Mr. Linky has been acting up all over blogdom, he's supposed to make an appearance on our post today, but if you don't see him please leave your name and post link in the comments so we know who's having an open house today!
Please leave us comment with a topic you'd be interested in discussing around the picnic table this summer too. It can be a topic you'd like advice on, an area you need ideas for, anything you'd like our community's input on. We can't promise we'll cover everyone's suggestion, but we'd love feedback on what you're interested in!
A Listmaker's Life
Katie's Nesting Spot
The Wonder Years
Thrifty Crafty Mama
The Whipples
Adventures of a Flake
7 All Together
The Harris Family
Our Nifty Notebook
4 Crazy Kings
Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile
Arts and Crofts
Mother is Not Concerned
A Mommy's Adventure
Two Little Monkeys
The Home Teacher
Orange Juice
Life of a Dairy Queen
Teaching Young Children
Izzie, Mac & Me
Miller Moments
Life of a Modern Mom
Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary
Cheerios Underfoot
Santiago Twin Girls
Academy at Thousand Oaks
Celebrate Every Day
Preschool Playbook
Handmade Beginnings
Adventures in Mommydom
Finding Me
Schweri Stories
Mama's a Mess
One Pink Fish
We've taken down Mr. Linky so our page will load a bit quicker this week. However, if you have an introduction to add please email or comment with the link so we can add it to the post.
Just quickly to let you know, the link to Katie from a Listmakers Life isn't working.
ReplyDeleteI'll be doing this later - gotta go out now but am looking forward to it!
AAACK! I've been so busy this week I almost forgot (well, I DID forget!) I'll try to do my introduction today! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
ReplyDeleteI am getting started on my intro post now. Be back soon to link it!
ReplyDeleteI tried to use mr. linky (never did that before either), but my name didn't show up and it's been about 10 minutes. I'll check back later and redo if needed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking me up, I'm off to visit the other blogs now!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to the picnic. I've never used Mr. Linky, so wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteI posted! Have a great day and enjoy the picnic!
ReplyDeleteMy word verification is untall...which is very funny because I am really tall but sometimes wish I was...untall! Heeehee
How fun! I just posted.
ReplyDeleteI just posted!! Looking forward to "meeting" everyone. This is such a great idea :0)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to this... I was thinking it might be fun have a topic or idea a week ahead of time and have everyone come up with one craft or activity related and see what everyone comes up with. I'd love to see what people do.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to meeting everyone. Mr Linky seemed to work without problem for me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun idea!
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this. It's a great way to get more ideas and "meet" new people, aka blogger moms.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun link up.
ReplyDeleteI think a fun topic would be book reviews. Find out what everyones favorite children's books are, and what projects they do related to them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to introduce myself to you community.
ReplyDeleteJust finished my introduction post. Linked it up as well. Sorry for the late start. I teach kindergarten and the end of the year is CRAZY! 3 more days to go maybe 5 for me. I have to switch rooms.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to be linked up with Summer Picnic Prize! Looking forward to meeting and learning from others!